I am very pleased to report this was an absolute hit in our
household and I couldn’t be happier. The best part is that all I did was put it
in the crock pot and forget about it. Now I know pot roasts aren’t that hard to
prep for slow cooking… but I didn’t even have a prep time unless you count
walking from the fridge to the Crockpot. J
I have always loved pot roast- I mean who doesn’t, but I have never had the
confidence to do it myself (This was a meal my mom had perfected over the years
and I just didn’t think mine could compete with that but I am happy to say that
it is at least in the competition now). I featured this exact freeze ahead pot roast in my Freezer Cooking post; however I suggested using your own pot roast recipe and
just pre-assemble it and then freeze. But since this recipe got the family seal
of approval, I am more than happy to share. (Note: This is a loose guideline of
how I make my roast, many people put celery and other vegetables that there
family enjoy. I pick vegies I know we will eat so I also use a lot of them.
Make sure that when you are picking out the food at the grocery store you pick
the vegie and amount that is suitable for your family. I make this for a family
of three with leftovers for lunch and possibly dinner the next night. If you
have big eaters you might only make it to lunch the following day.)
What you’ll need:
- 3-4 pound Chuck roast
- 8-10 Potatoes (small to medium sized, quartered)
- 1 bag of Baby Carrots
- 5-7 Onions (medium sized, quartered)
- 2 (9-10 oz.) Jars of Brown gravy (I uses Heinz homestyle savory beef 18 oz.)
- 2 packets Beefy onion Soup mix
- Garlic powder to taste
What to do:
To prepare for cooking:
- Place roast into Crockpot, add chopped veggies around the roast and then add one packet of the beefy onion soup mix, garlic powder and follow up with the gravy.
- You can add the extra packet of soup mix if you aren’t able to do so mid-cooking. I am usually able to be at home during the halfway mark so that is when I usually flip the roast, add the other packet of soup mix and any gravy if needed (Don’t worry if you can’t be home to do this, it still tastes amazing). At this point there is normally enough juice/gravy in there to really mix in the soup mix in.
- Once you have everything in there just let cook on low for 8-10 or high from 4-6 hours.
To prepare for Freezer:
- Place roast into freezer bag followed by garlic powder, gravy and one onion soup mix into the Ziploc overtop the meat.
- Add veggies- if needed, use an extra gallon baggie.
- Place in freezer.
- Make sure you leave a beefy onion soup packet for the day you choose to cook the roast.
To cook:
- Take roast out the night before and let thaw out in fridge.
- Place roast and veggies into the crockpot (it’s ok if it is still frozen) and cook on low for 8-10 hours or high for 4-6 hours.
- Go ahead and add the extra soup packet if you can’t at the midpoint. If you can wait until then, just flip the roast, add the soup packet and any gravy you see fit (personally, I wait till the end and add gravy after I have tasted it).
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